
[스크랩] 로드넷 다개국어 학습지도사 영어2급교재 - 카말 미애틀 - 신선한 공기 재배하기

그린테트라 2011. 10. 28. 14:05


Some 17 years ago, I became allergic to Delhi's air.

17년 전 쯤에, 전 델리의 공기 때문에 알러지가 생겼었습니다.

My doctors told me that my lung capacity had gone down to 70 percent, and it was killing me.

의사들이 말하길 제 폐활량이 70%로 떨어졌으며, 그로인해 제가 죽어가고 있다구요.

With the help of IIT, TERI, and learnings from NASA, we discovered that there are three basic green plants, common green plants, with which we can grow all the fresh air we need indoors to keep us healthy.

IIT와 TERI의 도움, 그리고 NASA의 지식으로부터 우리는 세가지의 기본적인 녹색 식물을 발견했습니다. 흔한 녹색 식물들이지만, 이걸로 우리는 실내에서 우리를 건강하게 해주기에 충분한 신선한 공기를 재배할 수 있습니다.

We've also found that you can reduce the fresh air requirements into the building, while maintaining industry indoor air quality standards.

우리는 또한 여러분들이 산업 실내공기질 관리(IAQ) 표준을 충족시키면서 건물 내에서의 신선한 공기의 요구량을 줄여주는 방법 역시 찾아냈습니다.

The three plants are Areca palm, Mother-in-Law's Tongue and money plant.

그 세가지 식물은 아레카 야자, 산세베리아, 그리고 스킨답서스입니다.

The botanical names are in front of you. Areca palm is a plant which removes CO2 and converts it into oxygen.

여러분들 앞에 식물학명이 있습니다. 아레카 야자는 CO2를 없애주면서 그것을 산소로 바꿔줍니다.

We need four shoulder-high plants per person, and in terms of plant care, we need to wipe the leaves every day in Delhi, and perhaps once a week in cleaner-air cities.

한 사람당 어깨높이만 한 네 그루의 식물이 필요한데요, 식물 관리 측면에서 보면, 델리에서는 날마다 잎사귀를 닦아주어야 했구요, 그리고 아마 공기가 좀 깨끗한 도시에선 일주일에 한번 정도입니다.

We had to grow them in vermi manure, which is sterile, or hydroponics, and take them outdoors every three to four months.

이것을 멸균 상태의 지렁이 비료에서 재배하거나 수경 재배를 한 후 서너달 마다 한번씩 실외에 놓아야 했습니다.

The second plant is Mother-in-law's Tongue, which is again a common plant, and we call it a bedroom plant, because it converts CO2 into oyxgen at night.

두번째 식물은 산세베리아입니다. 이 역시 흔한 식물이고, 침실 식물 이라고도 불리우는데요, 이는 밤에만 이산화탄소를 산소로 바꿔주기 때문이지요.

And we need six to eight waist-high plants per person.

그리고 이건 일인당 허리높이 정도 되는 식물 6~8그루 정도가 필요합니다.

The third plant is money plant, and this is again a very common plant; preferably grows in hyrdoponics.

세번째 식물은 스킨답서스 이고, 이것 역시 매우 흔한 식물인데; 수경 재배를 하는게 낫습니다.

And this particular plant removes formaldehydes and other volatile chemicals.

그리고 이 특별한 식물은 포름알데히드라던가 기타 휘발성 화학물질들을 제거해줍니다.

With these three plants, you can grow all the fresh air you need.

이 세가지 식물들로 여러분들이 필요로 하는 신선한 공기를 모두 재배할 수 있습니다.

In fact, you could be in a bottle with a cap on top, and you would not die at all, and you would not need any fresh air.

사실, 여러분들이 뚜껑달린 병 안에 들어가 있는다 해도, 전혀 죽지 않고 아무런 신선한 공기가 필요하지 않을 수도 있습니다.

We have tried these plants at our own building in Delhi, which is a 50,000-square-feet, 20-year-old building.

우리는 이 식물들로 델리에 있는 50,000평방 피트(4,445제곱미터=1,405평)의 20년 된 우리의 건물에 직접 시험해봤습니다.

And it has close to 1,200 such plants for 300 occupants.

300명의 입주자들을 위해 거의 1,200그루 정도 필요했었지요.

Our studies have found that there is a 42 percent probability of one's blood oxygen going up by one percent if one stays indoors in this building for 10 hours.

우리들의 연구로 밝혀낸 것은 한 사람이 이 건물 내에 10시간 동안 머물러 있을 경우 혈중 산소가 1퍼센트로 증가할 확률이 42퍼센트라는 것입니다.

The government of India has discovered or published a study to show that this is the healthiest building in New Delhi.

인도 정부에서는 연구결과를 찾고 발표하여 이 건물이 뉴 델리에서 가장 건강한 건물이라는 것을 보여주었습니다.

And the study showed that there is a, compared to other buildings, there is a reduced incidence of eye irritation by 52 percent, respiratory systems by 34 percent, headaches by 24 percent, lung impairment by 12 percent and asthma by 9 percent.

그리고 그 연구에서 보여줬던 것은 다른 건물과 비교했을 때 여러 질환의 발생률이 줄었다는 것입니다. 눈의 통증은 52퍼센트, 호흡기 질환은 34퍼센트, 두통은 24퍼센트, 폐 장애는 12퍼센트 그리고 천식은 9퍼센트 씩 말입니다.

And this study has been published on September 8, 2008, and it's available on the government of India website.

이 연구결과는 2008년 9월 8일에 발표되었는데요, 인도 정부 웹사이트에서 볼 수 있습니다.

Our experience points to a amazing increase in human productivity by over 20 percent by using these plants.

우리의 경험은 이 식물들을 활용하여 인간의 생산 능률이 20퍼센트 이상 증가하는 놀라운만한 향상을 보여주었습니다.

And also a reduction in energy requirements in buildings by an outstanding 15 percent, because you need less fresh air.

그리고 건물 내에서의 에너지 필요량의 감소도 무려 15퍼센트나 되는데, 이는 신선한 공기가 덜 필요하기 때문이지요.

We are now replicating this in a 1.75-million-square-feet building, which will have 60,000 indoor plants.

우리는 이 실험을 175만평방피트의 면적의 건물에 반복 중인데 60,000그루 정도의 식물이 있을 것입니다.

Why is this important? It is also important for the environment, because the world's energy requirements are expected to grow by 30 percent in the next decade.

왜 이것이 중요할까요? 이는 환경을 위해서도 중요한데, 왜냐면 지구상의 에너지 필요량이 향후 10년간 30퍼센트 정도 증가할 것으로 예상되기 때문입니다.

40 percent of the world's energy is taken up by buildings currently,

지구상 에너지의 40퍼센트가 건물들에 현재 쓰여지는데요,

and 60 percent of the world's population will be living in buildings in cities with a population of over one million in the next 15 years.

지구상 인구의 60퍼센트가 도시에 있는 건물 안에서 생활할 것이고 향후 15년 내에 이 수는 100만명 이상 될 것입니다.

And there is a growing preference for living and working in air-conditioned places.

그리고 공기가 정화된 주거 혹은 사무 환경에 대한 선호도가 높아지고 있습니다.

"Be the change you want to see in the world," said Mahatma Gandhi. And thank you for listening. (Applause)

세상이 변하길 원한다면 변화가 되어라, 라고 마하트마 간디가 말했습니다. 경청해주셔서 감사합니다. (박수)

15 House Plants You Can Use As Air Purifiers

Posted by admin on Thursday, February 18, 2010 · 84 Comments 

Here are 15 plants that could clean your air for just the price of a few drops of water each day.

First lets check some of the evidence behind the claim that plants can purify your household air:

1. NASA Research

A NASA research document came to the conclusion that “house plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us all from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and also benzene.”

Here are the results of the NASA research study:

2. Interior Plants: Their Influence on Airborne Microbes inside Energy-efficient Buildings

In another study made in 1996, a bedroom with no plants had 50% more colonies of airborne microbes than a room which contained houseplants.

3. Foliage Plants For Indoor Removal of The Primary Combustion Gases Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide

During a laboratory experiment in 1985, Dr. Wolverton PHD compared the removal of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide using a sealed chamber of spider plants.


4. Dr Wolverton – Formaldehyde removal experiment

In another laboratory study by Dr. Wolverton PHD, he compared a number of house plants at removing formaldehyde from a sealed chamber. Formaldehyde is a common household toxin that is released from a variety of household items.

Removal of Formaldehyde from Sealed Chambers for Plants Grown in Potting Soil


Botanical Name

Removal Rate*(Micrograms/Hour)

Boston fern

Nephrolepis exaltata “Bostoniensis”


Dwarf date palm

Phoenix roebelenii


Bamboo palm

Chamaedorea seifrizii


Janet Craig

Dracaena deremensis “Janet Craig”


English ivy

Hedera helix


Weeping fig

Ficus benjamina


Peace lily

Spathiphyllum “Clevelandii”


Areca palm

Chrysalidocarpus lutescens


Corn plant

Dracaena fragrans “Massangeana”


Lady palm

Rhapis excelsa



With reference to the experiments of Dr Wolverton and the NASA experiments, I have compiled a list of 15 house plants that provide the greatest level of air purification.

1. Areca Palm Tree

The Areca palm tree is the very best air purifying plant according to the ratings from NASA’s research and has the 8th highest removal rate for Formaldehyde according to Dr Wolverton’s data. This house plant was referred to as “the most effective air humidifier” by MetaEfficient.com. The Areca has the ability to  maintain your office or home moist throughout dry periods as well as continually removing chemical toxins from your air. In the course of the winter season, it’s so effective at putting moisture back in the air that you could switch off your electric humidifiers!

2. Lady Palm

This house plant – Lady palm (or Rhapis excelsa) achieved exactly the same rating as the Areca Palm tree in NASA’s research. This adaptable house plant, can be stored in dry or moist parts of the world ( between 20-100° Fahrenheit) and is particularly resistant to the majority sorts of plant insects.

The Lady Palm is not the most effective at removing Formaldehyde so if this is a concern then i would suggest you look at another plant.

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3. Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm was the third most powerful plant at removing formaldehyde from the air. It ranked third in the NASA experiment so is a good all rounder at keeping your room air clean. This house plant will grow best in a moist but not wet soil and in direct sunlight. However this palm will require lots of room to grow, so it might not be the best option if want this plant to sit on your desk.

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9. Boston Fern

The Boston fern was the most effective plant at removing Formaldehyde and removed significantly more per hour than the rest of plants examined.

Studies have also shown that the Boston fern will also eliminate heavy metals, such as mercury and arsenic from the soil.


4. Rubber Plant

This rubber house plant (Ficus robusta) has been mentioned as one of the leading Twenty plants by Doctor. B.C. “Bill” Wolverton’s “50 Houseplants That Purify Your Home Or Office.” This rubber house plant provides moisture, eliminates bio effluents, takes away volatile organic compounds as well as suppresses air based microorganisms as soon as it’s put into a room

As time passes this rubber plant will become much more skilled at eliminating toxic compounds present in the air. Bacteria within the rubber plants leaves break up the toxins and also feast on them. The procedure subsequently emits clean air in to the surrounding environment. Since the plant grows, these microorganisms increase.

This increased number of bacteria assist the rubber house plant in becoming progressively more effective at extracting further toxic compounds from the air.

5. Janet Craig – Dracaena

The Dracaena (or Dracaena deremensis) places fifth on NASA’s ranking with a 7.8 score.  According to data it can remove Formaldehyde, at a rate of 1,328 micrograms per hour. It also removes Xylene, at a rate of 154 micrograms per hour according to http://www.earthwitchery.com/pollution.html

Recommended Placement in Home: These are especially effective in newly carpeted or newly furnished rooms were formaldehyde levels are at the highest.

Tips to keep this plant healthy:

• Favours vibrant light, although not direct sunlight.

• Water completely through early spring through the winter season and allow the plant’s soil to dry out in between watering

6. English Ivy

If your air flow in your geographical area has got stagnant and dried out, English ivy (also known as Hedera helix) may be just the solution! WebMD.com talks about this effervescent house plant as “a solution for allergic reactions” observing that sixty percent of air based mold within the space was removed after just six hrs right after English ivy had been introduced.

People that have allergies, asthma, or even the desire to inhale cleaner, more fresh air might be wise to give this English ivy plant a shot!

7. Date Palm Tree

Although it does not position at the top of the purifying scale when compared to  it’s three palm relatives, make no mistake: this Date palm house plant (also known as Phoenix roebelinii) remains an extremely efficient and stylish looking method to both cheer up the design of an area and reduce the content level of volatile organic compounds floating all over the air.

The Date house plant is very effective at getting rid of formaldehyde thus works great in combination with other purifier plants (has the second highest removal rate after the fern plant.)

8. Ficus Alii

This ficus alii (also known as the Ficus macleilandii) isn’t as strong in it’s pollutant-removing effectiveness as, say, a rubber plant, however it remains an excellent addition to any kind of office or home wherever clear air is missing. Although they aren’t terribly difficult to look after, PlantCareGuru.com alerts to us that hand protection ought to be used whilst dealing with the house plant for those who have latex allergic reactions.

10. Peace Lilly

The Peace Lily (also known as Spathiphyllum sp.) is a perfect air purifier plant for those who don’t have green fingers. Peace Lilies are often found in malls because they are so easy to grow.

If you scared you might kill your new house plant then I recommend you go for this one.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera was proven to be a lot more effective at the elimination of formaldehyde at lesser concentrations when compared with Philodendrons. Aloe vera is likewise famous as being a healing plant acknowledged for it’s therapeutic qualities, giving it the majority of its nicknames.

The Aloe house plant was also used in the initial photography used for the Andrea plant air purifier – probably due to the plants purification properties.

12. Spider Plants

The spider plant was used by Dr Wolverton in his 1985 study that examined the plants removal of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. In a room with many spider plants the amount of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide dropped to near zero after only 24 hours.


13. Chrysanthemum

This particularly attractive house plant was shown to be effective at removing the VOC compound – benzene which has been known to cause cancer.

Many tobacco products contain high levels of benzene so it would be helpful to have one of these plants in a smoking household. However no house plant can ever negate the effects of tobacco smoke.

Remember to be careful with Chrysanthemum as it is poisonous when ingested or with prolonged skin exposure.

14. Heart leaf philodendron

The N.A.S.A. study showed that the Philodendron house plant was one of the best house plant for elimination formaldehyde from the surrounding air, especially when working with higher concentrations.

15. Snake Plants or Mother of Law Tongue

Snake house plants — these types of plants tend to be incredible growers and also extremely tough. They’re excellent at eliminating the majority of toxins plus they are quite happy to grow in areas where other plants may decline and perish ( say for example a hot window ledge). Also, they are great bathroom and darker area plants.

One Final Point:

Make sure to Maintain your house plants in a good condition and make sure you have enough of them. The NASA research advised that there should be a six inch plant for every 100 sq feet of interior living space

Comment on this Talk

131 total comments

Mathew Ong

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Jul 21 2011: Say, what about the soil/fertiliser that are in the pot which will be placed say in the bedroom??

Qasim SyedMohammad

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Jun 11 2011: Wonderful Idea. Thanks for sharing .We need freesh air so badly in our houses and work place .

Julio Radesca

• +5

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Oct 24 2010: I would like to bring to your attention my graduation project that was fully inspired by Meattle's TED talk. The project is called Personal Fresh Air desk and you can take a look at it on my website. www.julioradesca.comI am a product and furniture designer. My graduation project is a desk that nests the twelve air-purifying plants. The structure of the desk forms a hydroponic system that feeds them. These plants not only produce fresh air, but also act as a partition wall reducing noise and visual pollution while keeping the occupant comfortably focused. The hydroponic system makes the caretaking of the plants practical and clean. With the addition of several of these desks the office environment becomes tranquil and alive.At the moment, I am trying to find companies and partners that would be interested in taking this project further. If it is of your interest, please contact me.The project is being shown during the Dutch Design Week (23rd till 30th of October).

Paulette Chemelli

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May 26 2011: That is a great idea. You should be proud of yourself for designing these very healthy workplaces. Keep designing. I wish you much success in your future endeavors.

raj raj

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Jun 9 2011: You can add wheels and a stopper to the bottom of you design to take them out for sunshine !!!

Cody Stephenson

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May 24 2011: There are so many other positive qualities coming out of this idea, not to mention the plants affect on the human aura :)

elan star

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May 31 2011: I have been planting tens of thousiands of trees personally especiallyin the sub tropical and tropical areas for this very reason. the aspects of bio photon bio electric co creativity is astounding.. and most often overlooked. Ther eis no other elemnet of life that has so many beneficial aspects as tree-plant human photosynthetic co creationelan starhawaiiwww.sunstarphoto.com/new

Paulette Chemelli

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May 26 2011: This is the best idea yet for purifying the home. I have chemical sensitivities, and it is very discouraging trying to find an air cleaner that agrees with me. I've bought expensive cleaners, and end up returning them because of the plastic odor; and some of the filters have a smell of coconut that has to wear off after hours of use. That one went back too. I'm not the richest person in the world, so plants are affordable for me, and I would guess many people. Thanks you so much for sharing this information. I knew that Mother-in-law's tongue(my mother called it a snake plant)was good for air, but not the others. Thanks also for giving details on number per room and heights.

Dani D 20+

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Mar 29 2009: Simple and affordable? Am I the only one that would not know where to put all these plants in an average house or office building?Meattle also says that the leaves of the palnts need to be cleaned as frequently as daily. Does that mean that you also need to hire an army of leaf cleaners?At around 0:50 he mentions that per person you need: 4 areca palms, 6 to 8 tongues, and he does not say how many money plants. I.e. at least 11 plants per person.A building for 300 people with 1200 plants has 4 plants per person. Is my maths wrong?

Finda Flowers

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Jul 27 2009: Not to mention watering, pruning, cleaning from insects/fungus, etc...more followers on twitter

philip k

• +6

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Sep 5 2009: You would scarcely believe that people used to cook for their families. Not just once a week, or for an evening meal, but up to three times per day! All that effort..

Ariell Hartwell

• +7

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Sep 7 2009: A person's concept of routine is often developed with imprinting from immediate stimulai, and so what is considered "normal" is just a program. recognizing this consciously is necessary to analyzing personal paradigm shifts/alterations of behavior. cleaning some plants for a few minutes a day, breathing all that oxygen? doesn't sound like such a bad time investment.

Carlos Lopez

• +5

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Sep 13 2009: You dont have to hire "a plant cleaning army" when you get and in door plant this means for you to develop what I call a "five minutes behavior" which is when you are getting "stress out" you take the "plant brake" you water them, you clean their leaves, feed them, etc. Is something you as stress relieve technique.

Chris Gezon

• +2

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Nov 1 2009: I believe he was saying that you needed those number of plants to survive "in a bottle," i.e. to completely compensate for all of the air that you breathe. The plants are used to supplement-not replace-the building's existing air circulation systems and help improve the air quality inside buildings. .

Jen Ni Chin

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Mar 23 2010: Don't be so overreaction, there is no need to hire a army to clean those leaves. You are too exaggerate. Usually, the leaves only need to be clean when you see the dust on it. That's all depends on when you want to do it.

ganesh rajaretnam

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May 26 2011: I guess he is talking about cleaning the leaves daily due to the Delhi environment. Almost everything is covered with whitish dust. i was told it from the Thar desert. So if its not getting too dusty you may not clean it so often.

Kevin Curtin

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Mar 28 2010: Dani D - You may want to listen to Meatle's presentation again. He clearly states that the requirement to clean the leaves of the areca palm "everyday" is what they did in Dehli - less frequent cleaning (weekly) is required in cities with lower polution levels. If you happen to live in Dehli, Dani, then daily cleaning would be the suggested requirement. Spending those few minutes a day may be worth it... Being able to raise your blood oxygen level in this "passive" manner is quite remarkable as well as all of the other benefits. I would say the productivity piece is a stretch. There are too many variables to consider that couls have influenced productivity - including the simple fact of doing a study on workers (regardless of the topic of research) could boost morale and productivity. Sometimes just paying attention to workers makes them more productive.

Lydia Tsang

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Apr 3 2011: Are these plants suitable for all climates?

Timothy Du

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Apr 27 2011: Lydia, the plants mentioned in this video are intended to be used as houseplants (or indoor plants). So given the right temperatures and light, these plants can be suitable for any climate.

Rich Susens

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Mar 12 2011: I have just spent 3 days in the building Kamal Meattle refers to. I personally felt very well each day, the air outside was not very good. The freshness and humidity levels felt perfect. I also noticed the unique places they placed plants, almost everywhere except the elevators.

Paula C

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Mar 6 2011: This looks like the NASA studies referred to in this talk:http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19930073077_1993073077.pdf


• +2

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Jan 1 2011: Some of Nasa's findings (: http://air-purifier-reviewsite.com/blog/15-house-plants-you-can-use-as-air-purifiers/

Mandar Palsule

• +1

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Dec 22 2010: This is a wonderful shared experience !! I would immediately start this at home.. My mom loves gardening and so I know there won't be any resistance for this idea.. After listening to the inspiring talk on Biosphere 2 by Poynter, this talk is a wonderful starting point to implement your own biosphere at home..!!

Michael Tward

• +3

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Dec 9 2010: Wow! This sounds so simple I'm going to start this week! Using money plants to remove formaldehyde seems like a great solution to the off-gassing of so many common household paints and glues in furniture, mattresses, carpets and on walls.Also, maybe the extra oxygen from C. lutescens and S. trifasciata will result in feeling refreshed with more energy? I certainly know that any room filled with plants smells wonderful, so I'm looking forward to transforming my apartment.

Mary Kupferschmidt

• +2

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Nov 29 2010: I agree with the concept of tending to plants in five-minute slots of time as a stress reducer; also, the leaves normally would not need daily cleaning, but instead only when they show dust. As far as not having room for the plants, they are much less expensive and far more beautiful than extra furniture and knick-knacks as a way to decorate a space and make it more inviting. The transformation in mood/energy level is incredible. So ask yourself if there is unnecessary clutter in your living or working space. As for sunlight requirements, the money plant and snake plant in particular have very low light requirements. I have a friend who 'takes her plants for a walk' once a month. By that she means she swaps places of plants near the window and plants in the darker recesses of her space.

Tiago Estill de Noronha

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Oct 9 2010: What about algae? Aren't they the main source of oxygen in the world, topping even rainforests?

Joachim Schoder 50+

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Oct 7 2010: It sounds really good but doesn't it take a lot of space to have these plants? Especially in cities with high rent-costs this seems a little unpractical. Perhaps a fraction of the number of plants will help solve the problem and in office-buildings you don't need the bed-room-plant.

Paul Kang

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Aug 7 2010: Has anyone been able to figure out why these plants were the particular ones used in this talk?"Areca palm is a plant that removes CO2 and converts it into oxygen". Isn't this kind of ... how plants live? As in, why would you select "Areca Palm" and not just put more Money Plant?"Mother-in-law's tongue converts CO2 to O2 at night" - Not from what I can find. Anyone have information on this? CAM plants don't create O2 at night."Money Plant removes formaldehydes and other volatile chemicals" - Maybe, but so do Peace Lilies, and Peace Lilies look nicer and take up less room.Any insight?

Colleen Morgan

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Sep 7 2010: These studies were done at Nasa starting in the 1980's and studies have continued. Some plants convert CO2 to O2 more efficiently than others. There's a book called "How to Grow Fresh Air" that details several other plants that are also good converters. Oddly enough, many of them are the old fashioned "house plants" our grandmothers used to grow (never doubt the wisdom of the elders!!!) The roots of most of these plants can also convert when grown in pea gravel instead of soil, making the whole plant more efficient. The book also documents the studies on the night time conversion of CO2 for "Mother-in-law's toung"

Charlie Abel

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Aug 26 2010: When I owned an exercise studio years ago, I had tons of indoor plants after reading the grow fresh air book - and it helped with fumes from the carpet glue and the exhaled air from people working out - the air was fresh and clean! Now I live in Hawaii and am surrounded by "indoor" plants!

Adam Zábranský 20+

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Aug 19 2010: Well, it evidently brings results, so thank you... But I'm afraid not many of these plants will fit in my room.

Wendy Gantos

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Jun 30 2010: Actually, the plant conversion process happens 24 hours a day, just more so with light. That's how it can convert CO2 to oxygen.

Zach M

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Jun 14 2009: I hate to question this fascinating video, but I'm wondering how the Mother-in-Law's Tongue actually "converts C02 into Oxygen at night". My understanding of how plants work is that in order for plants to convert CO2 into Oxygen, photosynthesis must take place. I thought photosynthesis requires sunlight to occur, so I don't see how this could happen at night.I read on the wikipedia entry about photosynthesis that there are some light-independent CO2 conversion processes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photosynthesis#The_Calvin_CycleIs that what is happening here?Can anyone explain what is going on with this specific plant and how it converts CO2 to Oxygen at night?thanks.

Tim Wharton

• +8

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Jun 15 2009: It's called Crassulacean Acid Metabolism and is an adaptation to hot climates. This way of photosynthesis is shared by orchids, succulents and cacti. It permits gas exchange at night when water loss through the pores in the leaves will be less than the daytime. Have a look on Wikepedia for a full explanation - it is very cool (biochemically speaking!)

Merry W

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Jun 23 2010: I wikied "Crassulacean Acid Metabolism" and it just says CO2 is converted to four-carbon acid malate, not O2. Did Kamal Meattle some how show that there's an increase O2 level in a room at night with the CAM plant?

Merry W

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Jun 23 2010: How does "The Bedroom Plant" produce O2 at night without sunlight? Isn't oxygen a byproduct of photosynthesis? CAM plants absorb CO2 at night but photosynthesis doesn't take place until there's light. If there's another way plants produce O2 w.o sunlight, I want to know.

Christian .

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Jun 9 2010: I'm really searching for several weeks now: he cites the "report from September 2008" of CPCB in Delhi (http://www.cpcb.nic.in/) where they stated that his building is "one of the healthiest buildings in Delhi to work in" and he sais that it would be available on their website. I am NOT able to find this report. Can anyone help? I don't like "facts" that can't be proven. Thanks a lot!Or does he speak of this site: http://india.gov.in/ ?Because here (http://www.greenspaces.in/promoters.php) he sais something else...

mohan ...

May 16 2010: it's not IIT, TERI what he told it's IIT Delhi and NASA, translation in TED is really sucks, in most of the videos they wrongly translated.

hari das

May 14 2010: Mr. Meattle thank you! i accept your information. Bamboo grows very easy converted CO2 into oxigen. There is a very real chance that bamboo planted in our garden could become uncontrollable. so it is in very big forest. That is not use in cities. Third money plant remove the chemicals Benzene,Trichloroethylene,Formaldehyde. Benzene can cause respiratory and psychological disturbances liver and kidney damage, as well as diseases to the blood and lymphatic systems. Trichloroethylene it also damages the respiratory and central nervous systems by acting as an anesthetic.This chemical is one of the leading causes for the development of asthma..the reserach studied 50 household plants and their ability to remove the three chemicals from a controlled chamber over the course of 24 hours. The most successful plants, the English Ivy and the Peace Lily, removed 80% of the Benzene from the sealed chamb

Bla Blabla

Dec 10 2009: This is not surprising at all. Yes, I think it would be nice to work in a place that is very jungly, but then how is one to maintain such a dense plant growth in a working or living area. I find that the insects take over if one tries to do such a thing. Then you have to deal with that.Still, some number of plants is very nice to have (real plants people, you can keep your cheap plastic stuff).

alan green

Apr 4 2010: Do you know plants specfic in cnotroling chlorine and chloriamine? Do have the reference for the 50 hoiuseplants tested for benzene?

Nathanael Chadwick

Mar 31 2010: To make it more simple, here are 3 links to the plants talked about in this video (in order)1: http://plantsrescue.com/category/chrysalidocarpus-lutescens/2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sansevieria_trifasciata3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epipremnum_aureum

Nathanael Chadwick

Mar 31 2010: Just a heads up! Dont confuse money plant with Jade plant! (which is also called a money plant, and shows up first when googled!) Here is a link to the correct money plant (Epipremnum aureum) in this video: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epipremnum_aureum

Jen Ni Chin

Mar 23 2010: I like his idea to create the oxygen which make people feel refresh and alive. People used to live in the Nature, there's no exception for the beings in modern life. These plants are also a good way to save energy, why not try it.

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