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Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television.
Many are counting down the final days to the joyous holiday of Christmas and are looking forward to reuniting with beloved family members. In these celebratory times, please spare a thought for the neglected and forgotten pigs locked away in dark, cramped, and disease-ridden factory farms.
In this time of giving thanks to Jesus Christ for his saintly life and his compassionate teachings, these beautiful and loving beings truly need our help. Pigs are gentle and intelligent, the smartest and cleanest of all domesticated animals. They are more complex emotionally than many of us may realize and have a high-level of awareness; studies have shown that they have characteristics once believed to be unique only to humans and primates.
They have the ability to understand words and phrases; they have dreams and form sophisticated social relationships. Mother pigs have even been shown to sing to their young during nursing.
Sadly, however, these gentle beings, more emotionally and intellectually advanced than we ever could imagine, are imprisoned in the hidden world of factory farms, kept and bred solely for the purpose of food and profit. The torturous conditions inside these operations are carefully guarded from public scrutiny, a practice common to these murderous facilities the world over.
Earlier this year a massive public outcry ensued in New Zealand after Mike King, a comedian and former spokesperson for the New Zealand pork industry, revealed on national television the terrible and sorrowful confinement of sows, or mother pigs, in factory farms.
Mike: Well, put it this way: If these were dogs, if these were horses,if these were sheep,if these were cows, if these were goats, these people would be in jail.
Pigs are curious animals, they are loving animals, but they’re all jumpy. This is disgusting! This should be illegal, and we should outlaw it right now.
HOST: As the festive Christmas holiday draws near it is more important than ever that all know of the brutal truth about the anguish of pigs. Thus we present the following excerpts from the documentary 『The Mother Cage,』 produced by the non-profit British animal welfare group Vegetarians International Voice for Animals
or Viva!『The Mother Cage』 introduces us to the lives of mother pigs who spend the vast majority of their time in extremely small and cruel farrowing crates. This heartless and inhumane confinement and treatment of these beautiful beings occurs in pig farms throughout the world and must be stopped now.
For more details on Viva! please visit www.VIVA.org.uk
Many are counting down the final days to the joyous holiday of Christmas and are looking forward to reuniting with beloved family members. In these celebratory times, please spare a thought for the neglected and forgotten pigs locked away in dark, cramped, and disease-ridden factory farms.
In this time of giving thanks to Jesus Christ for his saintly life and his compassionate teachings, these beautiful and loving beings truly need our help. Pigs are gentle and intelligent, the smartest and cleanest of all domesticated animals. They are more complex emotionally than many of us may realize and have a high-level of awareness; studies have shown that they have characteristics once believed to be unique only to humans and primates.
They have the ability to understand words and phrases; they have dreams and form sophisticated social relationships. Mother pigs have even been shown to sing to their young during nursing.
Sadly, however, these gentle beings, more emotionally and intellectually advanced than we ever could imagine, are imprisoned in the hidden world of factory farms, kept and bred solely for the purpose of food and profit. The torturous conditions inside these operations are carefully guarded from public scrutiny, a practice common to these murderous facilities the world over.
Earlier this year a massive public outcry ensued in New Zealand after Mike King, a comedian and former spokesperson for the New Zealand pork industry, revealed on national television the terrible and sorrowful confinement of sows, or mother pigs, in factory farms.
Mike: Well, put it this way: If these were dogs, if these were horses,if these were sheep,if these were cows, if these were goats, these people would be in jail.
Pigs are curious animals, they are loving animals, but they’re all jumpy. This is disgusting! This should be illegal, and we should outlaw it right now.
HOST: As the festive Christmas holiday draws near it is more important than ever that all know of the brutal truth about the anguish of pigs. Thus we present the following excerpts from the documentary 『The Mother Cage,』 produced by the non-profit British animal welfare group Vegetarians International Voice for Animals
or Viva!『The Mother Cage』 introduces us to the lives of mother pigs who spend the vast majority of their time in extremely small and cruel farrowing crates. This heartless and inhumane confinement and treatment of these beautiful beings occurs in pig farms throughout the world and must be stopped now.
For more details on Viva! please visit www.VIVA.org.uk
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