
[스크랩] 친환경스토브

그린테트라 2009. 2. 2. 14:13






미국 콜로라도 대학교에서 발전도상국가를 위해 만든 친환경스토브입니다.

쉘재단과 CSU startup Envirofit International이 인류공영의 목적으로 2500만불을 들여 후원하여 년간 실내요리시 발생되는 유독가스로 150만명의 사망을 막기위하여 이 제품들이 앞으로 5년간 1천만개가 보급되길 기대한답니다.


이 친환경스토브는 훨씬 적은 유독가스배출효과는 물론 적은 연료(35%이상 절감)사용이 가능하다고 합니다.

연료는 나무, 가축분, 수확물 폐기물입니다.




In line with our commercial-approach to solving the IAP problem, we have created a product-centric website around the Envirofit cookstoves line. This site focuses on the money & time-savings and convenience benefits of the stoves, as research shows these are the primary selling points in the developing world.

In the future when you visit envirofitcookstoves.org you will first select the area of the world that you are interested in. Right now the website has a distinct India cultural feel as this is our first market. As we move into new markets (Africa, Central & South America, etc) we will to customize these websites to match the cultural, language & product needs for different areas around the world.

View the full press release located here


More than three billion people, or half the world's population, cook in their homes using traditional fire and stoves, burning biomass fuels like wood, dung and crop waste. Day in and day out, for hours at a time, families breathe in lethal fumes from these cooking fires. Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) currently claims the lives of 1.5 million people a year worldwide, or one person every 20 seconds. Women and children make up the vast majority of these deaths due to their increased exposure in the home.


Independent UK charity Shell Foundation and leading US environmental nonprofit Envirofit International today announced a ground-breaking partnership that has the potential to significantly reduce the number of global deaths caused by Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) - the smoke generated by traditional fires and stoves used in developing world homes. Envirofit will be tasked with handling the scale-up and spin off of the Shell Foundation's Breathing Space program, which was founded in 2002 to achieve significant global reductions in IAP. This new partnership is part of the Foundation's mission to see 10 million clean-burning stoves sold in five countries over the next five years. The Foundation is providing Envirofit with investment and organizational support to form an independent global entity. In turn, Envirofit International, working with their technology partner Colorado State University's Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory, will design, develop, market and distribute clean cookstoves that are engineered to emit significantly less toxic emissions and use less fuel.


출처 : 로드넷
글쓴이 : 비결 원글보기
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