
[스크랩] 생태자급자족퀴즈 205번 퀴즈 정답 - 풍력을 이용한 가장 효율이 높은 발전 시스템은?

그린테트라 2011. 9. 19. 09:49

정답은 연을 활용한 풍력발전입니다.

일반적인 풍력발전은 고도의 한계에 저촉되어 경제성있는 발전에 애로점이 있으나 고도가 높을수록 대단한 풍력발전을 할수 있는 연은 그 활용가능성이 무궁무진하다고 할수 있습니다.

참고로 기존 풍력발전기가 차지하는 전용면적보다 1/50의 면적으로 발전할수 있으며 화석연료나 원자력 발전같은 그 어떤 형태의 발전단가보다 저렴할수 있습니다.

고도가 높을수록 풍속과 지속적인 풍속이 대단히 증가됩니다.

바람이 없더라도 당겨주는 장치를 통해 하늘에서 계속 발전을 할수 있습니다.


피아노 크기의 연은 10Kw, 세스나 비행기 날개크기의 연은 230Kw, 747 비행기 날개 크기로는 6Mw-가장 큰 풍력발전기보다 큰 숫자-이며 이보다 더 큰 Spuce Goose 크기의 연으로는 15Mw-약 2,500-5,000가구가 사용할수 있는 전력이 생산될수 있습니다. 다른 과학자의 이론-아래 두번째 동영상-에 의하면 15GW의 어마어마한 발전도 가능할것으로 추정됩니다


통상 수십미터에서 약 600미터 높이에 띄워 발전할수 있다고 하는데 국내에 적용할려면 몇가지의 기술적 한계를 극복하고 환경법과  민항기와 전투기등등의 고도제한과 발전지역의 비행 규정-원자력 발전소같은-에 수정을 가한다면 대한민국의 에너지 공급은 청정에너지로 해결될수도 있다고 봅니다.^^




Saul Griffith's kites tap wind energy


If you're at all like me, this is what you do with the sunny summer weekends in San Francisco: you build experimental kite-powered hydrofoils capable of more than 30 knots. And you realize that there is incredible power in the wind, and it can do amazing things. And one day, a vessel not unlike this will probably break the world speed record.

But kites aren't just toys like this. Kites. I'm going to give you a brief history, and tell you about the magnificent future of every child's favorite plaything. So, kites are more than a thousand years old, and the Chinese used them for military applications, and even for lifting men. So they knew at that stage they could carry large weights. I'm not sure why there is a hole in this particular man.


In 1827, a fellow called George Pocock actually pioneered the use of kites for towing buggies in races against horse carridges across the English countryside. Then of course, at the dawn of aviation, all of the great inventors of the time -- like Hargreaves, like Langley, even Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, who was flying this kite -- were doing so in the pursuit of aviation.

Then these two fellows came along, and they were flying kites to develop the control systems that would ultimately enable powered human flight. So this is of course Orville and Wilbur Wright, and the Wright Flyer. And their experiments with kites led to this momentous occasion, where we powered up and took off for the first-ever 12-second human flight. And that was fantastic for the future of commercial aviation.

But unfortunately, it relegated kites once again to be considered children's toys. That was until the 1970's, where we had the last energy crisis. And a fabulous man called Miles Loyd who lives on the outskirts of San Francisco, wrote this seminal paper that was completely ignored, in the Journal of Energy, about how to use basically an airplane on a piece of string to generate enormous amounts of electricity. The real key observation he made is that a free-flying wing can sweep through more sky and generate more power in a unit of time than a fixed-wing turbine.

So turbines grew. And they can now span up to three hundred feet at the hub height, but they can't really go a lot higher, and more height is where the more wind is, and more power -- as much as twice as much.

So cut to now. We still have an energy crisis, and now we have a climate crisis as well. You know, so humans generate about 12 trillion watts, or 12 terawatts, from fossil fuels. And Al Gore has spoken to why we need to hit one of these targets, and in reality what that means is in the next 30 to 40 years, we have to make 10 trillion watts or more of new clean energy, somehow. Wind is the second-largest renewable resource after solar: 3600 terawatts, more than enough to supply humanity 200 times over. The majority of it is in the higher altitudes, above 300 feet, where we don't have a technology as yet to get there.

So this is the dawn of the new age of kites. This is our test site on Maui, flying across the sky. I'm now going to show you the first autonomous generation of power by every child's favorite plaything. As you can tell, you need to be a robot to fly this thing for thousands of hours. It makes you a little nauseous. And here we're actually generating about 10 kilowatts -- so, enough to power probably five United States households -- with a kite not much larger than this piano. And the real significant thing here is we're developing the control systems, as did the Wright brothers, that would enable sustained, long-duration flight. And it doesn't hurt to do it in a location like this either.

So this is the equivalent for a kite flier of peeing in the snow. That's tracing your name in the sky.

And this is where we're actually going. So we're beyond the 12-second steps. And we're working towards megawatt-scale machines that fly at 2000 feet and generate tons of clean electricity.

So you ask, how big are those machines? Well, this paper plane would be maybe a -- oop! That would be enough to power your cell phone. Your Cessna would be 230 killowatts. If you'd loan me your Gulfstream, I'll rip its wings off and generate you a megawatt. If you give a 747, I'll make six megawatts, which is more than the largest wind turbines today. And the Spruce Goose would be a 15-megawatt wing.

So that is audacious, you say. I agree. But audacious is what has happened many times before in history. This is a refrigerator factory, churning out airplanes for World War II. Prior to World War II, they were making 1000 planes a year. By 1945, they were making 100,000. With this factory and 100,000 planes a year, we could make all of America's electricity in about 10 years.

So really, this is a story about the audacious plans of young people with these dreams. There are many of us. I am lucky enough to work with 30 of them. And I think we need to support all of the dreams of the kids out there doing these crazy things. Thank you. (Applause)

여러분들도 저와 같다면, 해가 쨍쨍한 주말 샌프란시스코에서 여러분은 이러한 것을 할 거에요 이것은 연의 힘으로 움직이는 실험용 수중익 보트입니다. 시속 56킬로미터 이상으로 달릴 수 있죠. 이것을 보면 바람의 힘이 엄청나다는 것을 깨달을 수 있습니다. 그리고 놀라운 일을 할 수 있다는 것도요. 언젠가는 이런 종류의 배가 세계 신기록을 갱신할 것이라고 생각합니다.

그러나 연은 단순한 장난감이 아닙니다. 이제 여러분께 연에 대한 간단한 역사에 대해 말씀드리고, 모든 아이들이 가장 좋아하는 장남감의 장대한 미래에 대해 말씀드리겠습니다. 연의 역사는 천년이상 거슬러 올라갑니다. 중국인들은 연을 군사적인 용도로 사용하기도 하였습니다. 심지어 사람을 드는 용도로도 사용하였습니다. 당시에 사람들은 연으로 무거운 것을 옮길 수 있다는 것을 알고 있었습니다. 그런데 저 사람 몸에 왜 구멍이 있는지는 잘 모르겠군요.


1827년에 조지 포콕이라는 사람은 영국 시골길을 마차로 달리는 경주에서 연으로 끄는 마차를 처음 사용하였습니다. 물론 창공의 시대에도, 하그리브스, 랭글리, 전화를 발명한 알렉산더 그레이엄 벨 까지도 하늘을 날기 위해 연을 날렸습니다.

그러던 어느날 이 두 사람이 나타났지요 그리고 그들은 궁극적으로 인간이 하늘을 날수 있도록 하는 제어 시스템을 개발하기 위해 연을 날렸습니다. 여러분도 아시다시피 이들은 오빌과 윌버 라이트, 그리고 라이트 플라이어(최초의 비행기) 입니다. 연을 이용한 실험을 통해 우리가 힘을 얻고 시작할 수 있었던 인류 최초의 12초간의 비행에 성공할 수 있었습니다. 이는 미래의 항공 산업에 환한 불을 밝혀주었습니다.

그러나 불행하게도, 이로 인해 연은 다시금 아이들의 장난감으로 여겨지게 되었습니다. 70년대 에너지 위기가 발생했을 때까지 말이죠. 샌프란시스코 외곽에 살고 있던 마일즈 로이드라는 훌륭한 사람이 에너지 학회에 논문을 제출했으나, 완전히 무시당했습니다. 논문의 내용은 비행기에 끈을 달아서 어떻게 엄청난 양의 전기를 생산하는 가에 관한 것입니다. 그중 가장 중요한 발견은 자유 비행하는 날개가 고정날개를 가진 터빈에 비해 더 많은 공기를 통과하고 단위시간당 더 많은 전기를 생산한다는 것입니다.

따라서 터빈의 크기는 증가합니다. 축까지 90미터에 달하는 터빈도 있지만 높이를 올리는 데는 한계가 있습니다. 고도가 높을수록 바람이 많이 불고, 그에 따라 힘도 2배 정도 증가합니다.

각설하고, 우리는 여전히 에너지 위기에 처해 있습니다. 그리고 아시다시피 기후변화 위기도 직면하고 있지요. 인간은 현재 화석연료를 이용하여 12조와트(12 테라와트)를 생산하고 있습니다. 앨 고어는 이중 하나를 목표로 달성해야하는 이유를 말했습니다. 현실적으로 목표를 달성한다는 것은 향후 30~40년 내에 10조 와트나 그 이상을 청정에너지로 생산해야한다는 것을 뜻합니다. 바람은 태양에너지 다음으로 큰 재생 가능한 에너지 소스입니다. 3600테라와트 정도로 인류가 필요한 양의 200배가 넘죠. 바람 중 대부분은 90미터가 넘는 높은 곳에 존재합니다. 하지만 아직 그곳의 바람을 개발할 기술은 존재하지 않습니다.

따라서 지금은 '연' 시대의 새로운 시작입니다. 이곳은 마우이 섬에 있는 저희 회사 테스트 장소입니다. 여러분들이 보시는 것은 모든 아이들이 가장 좋아하는 장난감으로 만들어진 최초의 독립된 형태의 발전기입니다. 보시다시피 수천시간을 비행하기 위해선 로봇이 필요합니다. 보시는데 약간 어지러울 수도 있겠군요. 현재 이 테스트 장비로 약 10 킬로와츠를 생산하고 있습니다. 이는 미국에 있는 5가구에 공급할 수 있는 양입니다. 피아노 정도 크기만 한 연으로 말이죠. 여기서 중요한 것은 저희 회사가 라이트 형제들이 한 것처럼, 지속적이고, 장시간 비행을 위한 제어시스템을 개발하고 있다는 것입니다. 그리고 환경에 아무런 피해를 주지 않는다는 것입니다.

연이 하늘을 나는 것은 눈 위에 소변을 보는 것과 비슷합니다. 하늘에서 당신의 이름을 쫓아가는 셈이죠.

이제 이러한 방향으로 가려고 합니다. 우리는 라이트 형제의 12초 비행단계는 넘어섰습니다. 그리고 현재는 메가와트 급의 장치를 만드는 중입니다. 그것은 600여 미터 높이에서 날고 엄청난 양의 깨끗한 전기를 생산할 것입니다.

그럼 그 장치가 얼마나 큰지 궁금하시죠? 이 종이비행기는 아마도... 핸드폰을 쓰는데 충분한 전기를 만들 겁니다. 세스나 비행기로는 230 킬로와츠를 생산할 수 있고요, 걸프스트림을 빌려주시면, 날개만 뜯어 1메가와트를 생산할 수 있습니다. 747이 있다면 6메가와트를 생산할 수 있습니다. 이는 가장 큰 풍력발전소보다 더 큰 숫자입니다. 그리고 스프루스 구스는 15메가와트를 생산할 수 있는 날개를 가지고 있습니다.

이러한 아이디어가 무모하다고 생각하실 수도 있습니다. 하지만 역사적으로 보면 이런 무모함은 전에도 많이 일어났습니다. 이곳은 냉장고를 만드는 공장입니다. 2차 세계대전때 비행기를 대량 생산했습니다. 2차 세계대전 전에는 1년에 1000대의 비행기를 생산할 수 있었습니다. 1945년 즈음엔 년 100,000대를 만들었습니다. 이 공장과 년 100,000대의 비행기가 있으면, 미국이 필요한 모든 전기를 약 10년 내에 만들 수 있을 것입니다.

정말로 이것은 꿈을 가진 젊은이들의 무모한 계획입니다. 우리 회사에는 이런 친구들이 많이 있습니다. 저는 운이 좋게도 30명의 꿈을 가진 젊은이들과 일하고 있습니다. 그리고 밖에서 이러한 희한한 일들을 하고 있는 아이들의 꿈을 우리가 지원해줘야 하지 않을까 생각합니다. 감사합니다 (박수)


Kite Dynamics Symposium 2009 Presentation 1, Prof. Dr. Wubbo Ockels from Jeroen Breukels on Vimeo.

Kite Energy


A simple configuration could work like this:

generation scheme

In phase A, the kite is flown in a figure 8 trajectory to maximise the pull on the lines. This pulls the lines out from a spool, which is coupled to a dynamo, thus generating power . In phase B the lines are pulled back in again but with the kite kept still and also with the angle of attack altered so as to minimise the force needed to retract the kite.
Done correctly, phase A should generate approximately 5 times the power as is spent in B. Obviously, this is only one of many possible ways of harnessing the forces generated at the kite.



There is an enormous untapped energy resource in the form of wind at altitudes that is out of the reach of traditional wind turbine technology.
As you go higher in altitude, the average wind speed and consistency increases enormously, with average wind speeds at 10km in some locations reaching 100mph or 162kph. This is a very high quality energy resource.

Other Advantages?

Calculations suggest that kite energy will be cheaper than any other form of electricity generation, including coal/thermal.
Visual impact is reduced.
Ground area required per MW is more than 50 times less than with wind turbines.

Won't they fall out of the sky when the wind drops?

No. By retracting the kite, enough apparent wind is created at the kite to keep it flying stably.

Won't they crash into planes?

Ideally a no fly zone would be implemented around kite power stations, in the same way as above nuclear installations. However the kites are actively controlled and as long as the installation is radar equipped, a stray plane should be avoidable.

Won't they kill more birds than wind turbines?

No. As kite technology matures, it will progress to higher altitudes, where birds are more scarce. The lines at lower altitude will be moving far more slowly and present a much smaller collision target to birds than wind turbine blades. The more efficient use of ground area means that any dangers to wildlife would also be more localised

 Why bio-inspired control?

Kite control for energy has a number of characteristics that make the use of bio-inspired control potentially advantageous. For instance, modelling the flexible wing in order to optimise flight trajectories and behaviours is difficult and computationally expensive. Using evolutionary robotics techniques could potentially produce controllers that can be trained on relatively simple simulations, but could adapt to a real world implementation. This adaptive capability is desirable in kite control to adapt for changes in the kite due to wear, failure or simply getting wet or iced up. Additionally, by learning through experience, once deployed, neuro-controllers could exploit real-world effects such as turbulence from the weather conditions, local landscape, or maybe even other kites.



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Mihail Abrosimov 0Edit Delete Reply

3 days ago: I liked this video. It suggested ways to use the original force of the wind. Particularly, the use of wind-wind engines. It's the most environmentally friendly power plants.

Henk Daalder 0Edit Delete Reply

Aug 13 2011: There should come a TED talk about normal windpower with ordinary modern windtubines.

The world has build already about 200 GW of windturbines

It is the fastest growing way to generate energy, measured in GW generating capacity added each year

It is often thought that wind is the most important factor for a windpark, but it really is the landscape and its inhabitants where the turbines could be build.

Designing a windpark should be done with respect for the landscape AND the people that live there.

It is not matter of choosing if there will come a windpark, every region in a country will have its own windpark.

Preferably designed and operated by its inhabitants.

On the Windpark Wiki you can find many windpark design examples for flat areas like the netherlands and many other flat landscapes.

Martin Medicus 50+ 0Edit Delete Reply

TED Attendee

Apr 14 2011: Has anyone ever seen the chart/graph that Saul used at 3:00 before? I would love to find it, or one like it; comparing the potential outputs of all the different renewable energy sources. Very cool.

Rob Freda 0Edit Delete Reply

Jul 29 2011: NREL


Rob Freda 0Edit Delete Reply

Jul 29 2011: This is all about cost not how big a wing you can build. It is about how much it costs for how much power you can produce (and how much it costs to get it where you need it). Just quoting wing sizes and outputs is disingenuous as those things do not matter out of context.

There are big problems with kite systems...conversion efficiency and machine density.

Problem 1

You are not gathering more energy with a kite than a 3 blade turbine. you are gathering less energy across broader swept area at a higher speed. this is down to inertia and blade or kite area and relative speeds. Turbine blades are limited in power extraction by the tip speeds which run up into the 250 mph range (just below low sonic).

Conversion efficiency calculated against area used (not the size of the kite) for kite systems that have been deployed are below 10%.

In order to get a kite covering say a sq. acre to convert a similar efficiency to a GE turbine (40%) it would need to be moving at least 350mph or have a really nasty gearbox to up the mechanical load on the kite (not even sure how that could be done).

Maybe you can get a kite up to that speed (not likely) but outside the aerodynamics it presents some serious issues with the structure of the kite and the tether and thereby the cost. Those structural problems remain with the gearbox by the way.

Yes there is more wind as you get higher up in the boundary layer (note: the air may be faster but also has less mass). You might get around 2-3 times the power at 1200 ft, but the expense of doing it is likely 3 times higher than a GE turbine so where is the gain and is it worth the pain?

Problem 2

These need to be fairly spread out so the machine density is low. You can put a lot more GE's in 10 square miles than kites.

That means you are back out in the middle of nowhere (remember T Boone's problem) and getting the power to the load centers is a big problem.

Gage Hunt 0Edit Delete Reply

Mar 24 2009: I agree this seems to be an exciting idea, however I would caution to the ramifications to the outer edges of this technology. Once *everyone* has something like this - and our skies are pecked with dancing wires that extend through the air weaving a deadly net to passing birds. One other consideration tho I admit I've no science or math to support the topic either way - is the alteration to our jet streams as thousands of wings divert and resist the passing air. Sure one, or one thousand might not make a difference - but what of the potential millions?

Eric Robinson 0Edit Delete Reply

Aug 27 2009: So do we need our climate experts to do two simulations. One where we use coal to generate power and bring on the impending climate calamity we are all familiar with, and another where we slow down the jet stream and cause yet another but quite different climate calamity. Then we do a cost benefit analysis.

I think that there will certainly be a maximum number of these that we'll want to put up. I suspect that keeping airways open for planes will become an issue long before we alter the worlds climate with whirly-kites.

Robert Whited +3Edit Delete Reply

Dec 12 2009: Gage is wrong! He has forgotten that by that time birds will have evolved to fly around, under and over our many, many windmills.

Jenny Theule 0Edit Delete Reply

Nov 29 2010: Not true, a new disturbance would be created to the birds and animals in the area where any windmills would be put up. There are windmills in areas today that birds are still being injured by all the time, even with the windmills being there for a substantial amount of time. The birds can't "evolve" like that, evolution doesn't work like that.

James Wright 0Edit Delete

May 18 2011: Jenny.... Thats exactly how it works :) Death is apart of evolution.

Wolfgang Pilz 50+ +5Edit Delete Reply

May 9 2010: This is actually not planned as a project for everyone.

It's planned as an alternative to wind-powerplants, with few big wings generating loads of power, instead of many little ones for every household.

Alex555 H 0Edit Delete Reply

Jun 23 2010: The technology is still in infant stages, I'm not sure its wise to talk now about problems it may reach far in the future. Once we'll get 1% of world electricity from theses systems, we'll check it out.

Just have some courage and hope for the best. It will take time and initiatives to solve the energy and climate crisis.

David Wu 0Edit Delete Reply

Feb 27 2011: Good point, but if you consider the wind turbines this kite is meant to replace, this might actually make wind energy less harmful to birds.

eric helpenstell 0Edit Delete Reply

Apr 3 2011: These units would be nowhere near the jetstream.

pierre-jean cherret 0Edit Delete Reply

Jan 17 2011: very nice, did you ever tried to do the same thing with hrydoturbines in the water??? a french guy "Yves Kerckoeve" did it : http://2030-energie-marine.com/

elman tabaq 0Edit Delete Reply

Nov 4 2010: thank you... very impressive

Mike Bower 0Edit Delete Reply

Sep 15 2010: Not a bad idea, but there are problems, namely:

1 - How will this affect wind patterns if deployed widely and what consequences does that carry?

2 - How will this affect wildlife, if at all, and to what degree?

3 - What happens if the kite breaks or wind stops/shifts and the kite comes crashing down?

4 - Speaking of which, how do you get the kite up there in the first place?

5 - What is the chance that lightning doesn't zap permanently high-flying kites?

ozhan salehabadi 20+ 0Edit Delete Reply

Aug 5 2010: Considering the idea is to be able to work towards kites that will have the potential to generate much more than the "first 12 secs", so to say, this is a great idea. And obviously we don't need to rely on only one source of green energy. And for those who worry that this might become an aviation hassle: there are vast areas of the sky we almost never fly through.

Thank you Mr. Saul Griffith for your efforts.

Lee ahhyeong 0Edit Delete Reply

Aug 2 2010: It is very interesting. :) But Often, renewable energy have side effects.

Wind, solar energy... is caused deforestation, landslide, water pollution.. And they come into conflict with communities. and so on.. So, It is important that they plan to consider many things. Neverthless, renewable energy is our future.

James B 30+ 0Edit Delete Reply

Jul 20 2010: Keep it up, we need to keep experimenting until we reach a satisfactory solution to our energy needs. I saw another one with a kite attached to a turbine, when the wind pulls the kite the turbines turn and power is generated.

Andrew Sear 0Edit Delete Reply

Jul 3 2010: would effect would this have an air travel though, with the problem of wires.

fonebro fonebro +1Edit Delete Reply

Dec 30 2009: I get it. Put all those kites at 300 ft to 3000 ft and then watch the birds go crazy looking for open space to fly. This is interesting, although not very realistic. How many kites will Manhattan launch over the Hudson? I don't think that will happen.

Wolfgang Pilz 50+ +2Edit Delete Reply

May 9 2010: To paraphrase your analogy:

Atomic power is all very interesting but not very realistic. How many reactors will Manhattan house under their skyscrapers?

Alex555 H 0Edit Delete Reply

Jun 23 2010: You also could have said:

"To paraphrase your analogy:

Atomic power is all very interesting but not very realistic. We managed the waste for 50 years, but how about for 10000 years?"

Yeah, maybe we can't deploy lots of theses systems over the Hudson, but can we be sure the waste won't harm anybody out there for 10000 years?

nouredine louki 0Edit Delete Reply

Jun 9 2010: it's a good idea

thanks man

Ben Jarvis 50+ +1Edit Delete Reply

Apr 30 2010: a fantastic idea and great invention with huge potential.

i'd like to point out a pattern that's emerged - this and every other great clean energy invention i've learned about first makes me excited and eager to participate, so i work out that i've got the the money and place to install it, but with no-one at all to call to sell me one and install it, that's as far as i've ever gotten. right now the only possible way i could spend my money on renewable energy is on some standard solar panels, even with over a million people in this area.

the next TED talk about renewable energy i want to see is one by the guy who's connected these designs to manufacturers and installers and actually getting them into use by the general resident.

Shannon Robertson 0Edit Delete Reply

Mar 31 2010: Saul.

Thanks for you talk. Great to see people thinking outside the box.

Im not sure about seeing a whole bunch of kites in the air, but I sure would love to go sailing with you guys. If you need some sponsorship and some wind, let me know and we can get a race going.

Un Saludo y paz. /garito

Ernest Rama 0Edit Delete Reply

Feb 4 2010: Renewable energy really plays an important role in the supply of energy. However, the use of renewable sources is limited by the fact that they are not always available. Cloudy days reduce solar power; calm days reduce wind power; and droughts reduce the water available for hydropower. Above all, Renewable energy is very remarkable.

Energy Idealist - Renewable Energy Jobs

Ernest Rama 0Edit Delete Reply

Feb 4 2010: Renewable energy really plays an important role in the supply of energy. However, the use of renewable sources is limited by the fact that they are not always available. Cloudy days reduce solar power; calm days reduce wind power; and droughts reduce the water available for hydropower. Above all, Renewable energy is very remarkable.

Energy Idealist - Renewable Energy Jobs

j michaels 0Edit Delete Reply

Dec 19 2009: Looks like it was dreamed up by a child. If one considers the practical limitations it may as well have been.

Ludicrous, self indulgent and impractical.

What about the dehydrated water projects?

What about inventing tartan paint?

Tom Brian 0Edit Delete Reply

Dec 10 2009: Hope that project can apply on all countries.

eric allen 0Edit Delete Reply

Dec 4 2009: I am really impressed with wind power positive experience the wind generators wind turbines I have put up from Http://Hurricanewindpower.com are power most of my residence

Thomas O'Duffy 0Edit Delete Reply

Dec 3 2009: What a cool idea.... and there are great possibilities with all the advances in Unmanned Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), I can imagine that smart robotic energy kites could be mounted above existing windfarms to double their output or more. I'd love to see more data on how configurations of kites can be used to generate electricity, how their movement affects air and thermodynamics....

John Oyebanji +3Edit Delete Reply

Oct 10 2009: If Hard Towered WindMills have become so much a part of the global renewable energy source as we have them today. I see Energy Kite Systems dominating the Wind Energy sector in the not too distant future.

Tiespes Azad +1Edit Delete Reply

Mar 24 2009: Great idea but I think it would have been better if he gave us more details.

John Oyebanji +1Edit Delete Reply

Oct 10 2009: #


Much information is available at http://www.energykitesystems.net

Conrad Volle 0Edit Delete Reply

Mar 25 2009: This is fantastic, I do wish there were more information available. A project with similar goals but slightly different means, Magenn, uses a more blimp like rotor system worth checking out. http://www.magenn.com/

John Oyebanji 0Edit Delete Reply

Oct 10 2009: #


Much information is available at http://www.energykitesystems.net

iosu vaquerizo 0Edit Delete Reply

Mar 26 2009: I want to learn more about this subject. The idea is great and can't wait until it is available. I want one and think eveyone should have one as soon as possible. If anyone knows of where i could learn more about this please le me know!


John Oyebanji 0Edit Delete Reply

Oct 10 2009: #


Much information is available at http://www.energykitesystems.net

adam zwickle 0Edit Delete Reply

Mar 29 2009: This is a great concept...I only wish he went into more detail about how the energy is actually generated. Could anyone explain if they know?

John Oyebanji 0Edit Delete Reply

Oct 10 2009: Adam,

Much information is available at http://www.energykitesystems.net

Kewal Parikh +1Edit Delete Reply

Apr 8 2009: Seems to be a great solution for renewable energy.... How far has this project gone in term of trials... can be a boon to coastal areas and islands where we can create no flying zones...

We in Gujarat have a great coastline to explore such potential renewable energy ideas...

John Oyebanji 0Edit Delete Reply

Oct 10 2009: Kewal, may I invite you to visit energykitesystems.net


Dan Conine +2Edit Delete Reply

Mar 31 2009: There's an alternate idea which uses a helicopter blade design which may actually be simpler. Similar to the powered start of a VAT (vertical axis turbine), the tethered helicopter is driven into the air by the motor/generator and once it reaches height, resistance on the tether counteracts the wind , forcing the blades to try and overspeed the motor, which generates power. Much simpler to get it in the air, I think.

Eric Robinson 0Edit Delete Reply

Aug 27 2009: But then you would have to vary the blade pitch in the rotation (like a helicopter) in order to get the thing to sweep through the sky and access the all that potential. Lots of mechanical grinding and such.

Also, there would be additional energy loss due to the fact that the spinning rotor would have to lift that heavy generator and a heavy power transmission cable.

The kite control mechanism is no easy automation task. It requires some sophisticated multi-modal model predictive control. (MM-MPC) And the problem of preventing the lines from getting tangled up in the carousel design proposed by kitegen is tying my brain in knots!

Marcus Heavyweather +4Edit Delete Reply

Aug 6 2009: Well..he makes it sound like his team is the first and only one working on kitepowerplants.

There are 3 other noteable projects:

The first is kitegen.com who had a working prototype years ago.

The second is the dutch laddermill project...they want to tap into jetstreams and create the WEPEC (wind energy producing and exporting countries). Dutch students are working on all aspects of this project.

The third is a german company called www.skysails.info who retrofit ships with kite of up to over 500m

Carol Loffelmann +1Edit Delete Reply

Mar 31 2009: Sounds great. Some of my thoughts:

1. Build these "farms" out at sea, pipe the energy into land- minimizes the effect of crashes and one does not have to worry about clearing buildings/trees or using farm land. This will take international cooperation, as the real estate may be beyond traditional borders.

2. Retool the auto industry of North America to build these kites. Do this now, while we have the expertise in the tool and die industry and employ those that have worked on the lines.

Justin Schuman +1Edit Delete Reply

Jul 30 2009: Carol,

I like your take on this idea. In my area of expertise (energy law) building power plants on land is an expensive and time consuming process, especially in the U.S. where challenges to projects are so easily raised. Believe it or not, many people believe they have the right to a view. There is no right to a an unblemished view recognized in any U.S. jurisdiction (that I know of and I've checked).

International cooperation is probably unnecessary as the law of the seas recognizes economic exclusion zones extending out to 200nm. I am not discouraging international cooperation, merely suggesting it is not required.

Legal arguments aside we must all make it clear to everyone who does not understand the perils of the future that renewable energy must be a priority now.

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